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BLTM Gala Concert Tickets

A musical celebration involving over 500 young musicians from the High Wycombe Music Centre.

Performance dates

Saturday 27 June 2015 - 7:00 PM

Run time

Includes interval

  • Show info

This concert will involve more than 500 young musicians from across the Buckinghamshire, led by staff and students from High Wycombe Music Centre.

An exciting and diverse programme will include orchestras, bands, ensembles and choirs with members of all ages and levels of experience playing a wide variety of musical genres.

As well as the Music Centre ensembles the programme will also have contributions from some school-based work (Whole Class Practical Musicianship) and a performance of Night on a Bare Mountain from the Buckinghamshire County Youth Orchestra.

The theme of the concert is 'Anniversary' and the repertoire has been chosen by our fantastic team of ensemble leaders to celebrate something or someone with an anniversary in 2015. The concert will finish with every young musician performing together in a specially arranged piece of music fitting our theme.

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